Wednesday 12 September 2012

Don't believe the hype... or do?

So it's that time again, it's new and exciting. Its Apple, its iPhone and its 5!
But I'm not quite ready to put grandma on eBay just yet... I'm currently sporting what I believed to be a rather natty Samsung Galaxy SII, yes I know the GS III is out and I'm clearly a Techno-dinosaur.

The thing is... I don't think I am, the GSII is great phone and was so new and exciting compared to my last few iPhones/Blackberrys that when I saw the GSIII, I was a little underwhelmed. And that's my issue with the iPhone 5, I haven't seen it yet, I don't even know what it can do yet, but I'm still skeptical.

I want it to be great, I really do. I would like to toss my GSII aside like the garnish left on your starter plate as the main course arrives. "To the man drawer with you, you are now an understudy phone!"

But I have the Porsche fear, will it really be different? A new supercharged engine, fancy leather seats with monogrammed trim, a carbon fibre dashboard and air freshener that doubles as a breath mint... but when you take out for a Sunday drive, you can't move for the traffic jam of every other Porsche on the road...

I read blogs and leaks and insider info on it, and i have no doubt it will be a beautiful piece of advanced technology. But does it deserve the hysteria that usually comes with an Apple launch?

I'm waiting for something different, unless the hype is right

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